Wetterstation Engelrod weather

 Latitude N 50° 34' 32"    Longitude E 09° 15' 27"    Elevation 534 m

This page shows a summary of the data for the 24 hrs up to midnight local time.

Yesterday's data
Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature 20,5 °C at 18:24 
Low Temperature 15,3 °C at 00:17
Temperature Range 5,2 °C  
High Apparent Temperature 21,7 °C at 18:59 
Low Apparent Temperature 13,5 °C at 12:07
Low Wind Chill 15,3 °C at 00:17
High Heat Index 20,5 °C at 18:24
High Humidity 96 % at 22:43 
Low Humidity 74 % at 04:53
High Solar Radiation 0 00:00
Hours of Sunshine 0,0  
Rainfall Yesterday 4,2 mm  
Rainfall Rate Max 3,6 mm/hr at 08:45
High Hourly Rainfall 1,5 mm at 09:39
Highest Gust 47,5 km/h at 12:40
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 25,8 km/h (F4) at 14:21
Wind Run 204,3 km  
Dominant Direction 193° SSW  
High Pressure (SL) 1024,5 hPa at 21:07
Low Pressure (SL) 1021,2 hPa at 06:24
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends::forum:

Page updated 27.07.2024 15:00:00
powered by Cumulus v3.4.6 (3070)